====== Analysis Database Structure ====== ===== General ===== ===== Table Data ===== ==== Geometry1 ==== ==== Geometry2 ==== ==== GeometryQA ==== ==== UfoHeader ==== ==== UfoNuclides ==== ==== UfoPeaks ==== ==== PeaksInRange ==== ==== LibHeader ==== ==== LibNuclides ==== ==== LibPeaks ==== ==== IntLibPeaks ==== ==== SusLibHeader ==== ==== SusLibNuclides ==== ==== SusLibPeaks ==== ==== Calibration ==== ==== Calibration Chart ==== ==== Certificate Table ==== ==== Efficiency Calibration ==== ==== Energy Calibration ==== ==== Source ==== ==== SumSpec ==== ==== Detector ==== ==== Install ==== ^ Column title ^ Description ^ |**ID** |Unique number| |**Organization**|Information about the organization LVis is working for (as provided during setup)| |**System**|Information about the system LVis is working in (as provided during setup)|