===== What is LVis? ===== {{ :lvis.png?nolink&400|}} LVis is a graphical user interface for [[https://www.ortec-online.com/|ORTECs]] GammaVision® Gamma-Ray Spectrum Analysis and MCA Emulator software (A66-BW), designed for use in counting laboratories. LVis is an //application manager// product. It uses the underlying software components of //GammaVision// to control acquisition hardware, and to manage the gamma spectroscopy samples in a counting laboratory. The analysis itself is performed using the tried-and-tested analysis capabilities of //GammaVision// itself. //LVis// provides a sophisticated sample automation environment to control acquisitions and analyses based upon pre-determined //parameter sets// which allow entry of sample-specific data by a technician as needed, while pre-loading automatically that information which can pre-specified by an expert or supervisor. Because //LVis// relies on core functions within //GammaVision//, the two applications must be used together. ---- ===== LVis Manual ===== - [[Introduction]] todo: update text|images missing|hotlinks missing - [[Installing and configuring LVis]] todo: update text|images missing|hotlinks missing - [[Spectrum Acquisition and Analysis]] todo: update text|images missing|hotlinks missing - [[Calibration]] todo: update text|images missing|hotlinks missing - [[The LVis User Interface]] todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing - [[Calibrating a Detector in LVis]] todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing - [[Quality Control in LVis]] todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing - [[The LVis LabJournal]] todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing - [[Sample Changer]] todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing - [[Analysis Parameters in Detail]] todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing - [[Corrections]] todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing - [[Reports]] todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing - [[Uncertainty Calculation in GammaVision and LVis]] todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing - [[ROI Analysis with LVis]] todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing - [[Analysis Database Structure]] todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing ===== LVis Demo===== To get access to a free //LVis// Demo Version, please contact Dr. Marc Breidenbarch () or Dr. Felix Diel ()