Table of Contents

What is LVis?

LVis is a graphical user interface for ORTECs GammaVision® Gamma-Ray Spectrum Analysis and MCA Emulator software (A66-BW), designed for use in counting laboratories.

LVis is an application manager product. It uses the underlying software components of GammaVision to control acquisition hardware, and to manage the gamma spectroscopy samples in a counting laboratory. The analysis itself is performed using the tried-and-tested analysis capabilities of GammaVision itself. LVis provides a sophisticated sample automation environment to control acquisitions and analyses based upon pre-determined parameter sets which allow entry of sample-specific data by a technician as needed, while pre-loading automatically that information which can pre-specified by an expert or supervisor. Because LVis relies on core functions within GammaVision, the two applications must be used together.

LVis Manual

  1. Introduction todo: update text|images missing|hotlinks missing
  2. Installing and configuring LVis todo: update text|images missing|hotlinks missing
  3. Spectrum Acquisition and Analysis todo: update text|images missing|hotlinks missing
  4. Calibration todo: update text|images missing|hotlinks missing
  5. The LVis User Interface todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing
  6. Calibrating a Detector in LVis todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing
  7. Quality Control in LVis todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing
  8. The LVis LabJournal todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing
  9. Sample Changer todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing
  10. Analysis Parameters in Detail todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing
  11. Corrections todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing
  12. Reports todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing
  13. Uncertainty Calculation in GammaVision and LVis todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing
  14. ROI Analysis with LVis todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing
  15. Analysis Database Structure todo: text missing|images missing|hotlinks missing

LVis Demo

To get access to a free LVis Demo Version, please contact Dr. Marc Breidenbarch ( or Dr. Felix Diel (